Depot:European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF), Slovenia



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European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF), Slovenia
Ljubljanski filmski festival (LIFFe), Cankarjev dom, Kulturni in kongresni center, Prešernova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 1 241 7147

The Slovene branch of the European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF) is a part of the network that aims to improve the circulation of European cinematography. The Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe) is one of more than 230 European festivals included in the network.

See also

External links

European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF), Slovenia +
European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF), Slovenia +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Ljubljanski filmski festival (LIFFe), Cankarjev dom, Kulturni in kongresni center, Prešernova 10 +
The Slovene branch of the European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF) is a part of the network that aims to improve the circulation of European cinematography. +
The Slovene branch of the European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF) is a part of the network that aims to improve the circulation of European cinematography. +
+386 / 1 241 7147 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +