Depot:European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC)
The objects of the Grouping, in particular with regard to the institutions of the European Union, are the support and development of the legal, economic and cultural activities of its members.
Within the framework of the European construction, GESAC's purpose is to ensure effective copyright protection at the highest level in particular by means of: (i) close collaboration with the institutions responsible for the preparation and implementation of European legislation - this legislation must take into account both the cultural dimension and the economic aspects of copyright and must be adapted to the increasing internationalisation of exchanges of cultural products and to the emergence of new technologies; and (ii) participation in technical assistance programmes in the matter of intellectual property initiated by European Union institutions in third countries.
Since September 1994, GESAC has been in charge of the implementation of a Phare Programme 'Intellectual Property Rights' in favour of the PECO and Baltic Countries.