Depot:European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)
Members of ENCC are those national associations and confederations which represent the cultural centres of their country. The ENCC aims to represent the cultural centres of Europe, stimulating socio-cultural and artistic life via cultural centres and their functioning. Since its foundation, the ENCC has made many contacts all over Europe in order to find out which and how many cultural centres are operative and published the first survey 'Cultural Centres and Arts Centres all over Europe', with short presentations of more than 1,000 cultural centres from Finland to Cyprus and from Spain to Poland.
The general objectives of the ENCC are: 'Debate, Lobbying and Service' on a European level. Specific objectives include: (i) implementing a professional network service for cultural centres on a European level; (ii) promoting intercultural communication and partnerships, especially in building local partnerships between cultural centres in European countries; (iii) promoting dialogue between cultural centres with European and global perspectives; (iv) fostering an international exchange of experiences, professionals and young activists; (v) articulating the interests and strengthening the voice of cultural centres on a European level; and (vi) providing funding opportunities for cultural centres and their networks.
The ENCC’s current members (national associations) are drawn from 10 European countries. The ENCC also develops its activities in co-operation with partners from 11 other European countries.
Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre in Ljubljana is a member of ENCC.