Depot:European Writers' Congress



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European Writers' Congress
General Secretariat, 87 rue du Prince Royal, Brussels B-1050, Belgium, [[]]
Phone32 (0) 2 551 0893

The European Writers' Congress (EWC) is a federation of 55 writers' associations in 29 countries of Europe, representing some 54.000 individual authors and literary translators.

EWC champions the diversity of literatures while raising awareness for both the role of creators and culture for the EU Lisbon Agenda and the common need of creators to have their moral and economic rights respected in the digital age.

The EWC defends the professional interests of its members, all being part of civil society at European and national levels, in legal and political contexts, concerning cultural and social policy.

And the EWC remains determined to raise and publicly present the commitment of professional writers and literary translators to shaping the profile of Europe via individual creativity and the common elements of cultural policy within the diversity of expressions.

European Writers' Congress +
European Writers' Congress +
General Secretariat, 87 rue du Prince Royal, Brussels B-1050, Belgium +
The European Writers' Congress (EWC) is a federation of 55 writers' associations in 29 countries of Europe, representing some 54.000 individual authors and literary translators. +
The European Writers' Congress (EWC) is a federation of 55 writers' associations in 29 countries of Europe, representing some 54.000 individual authors and literary translators. +
+32 / 2 551 0893 +
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