Depot:Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska



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Visoka šola za management, Koper
Cankarjeva 5, SI- 6000 Koper-Capodistria, Slovenia, [[]]
Phone386 (0) 5 610 2000

The Faculty of Management of the University of Primorska originated as the School of Management in Koper, which was founded in December 1995 as a free-standing higher education institution. It offers internationally-comparable study programmes in the management of profit and non-profit organisations. These are the undergraduate professional higher education study programme in Management (almost 500 full-time and around 1,600 part-time students), and the postgraduate specialist study programmes in Management of Education and Management in the European Environment (almost 260 students). New undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes are waiting to be approved by the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia. The Faculty is also focused on research and development activities, including the organisation of international scientific and professional conferences. Faculty research activities are carried out through the research group of the Management Research Institute. The Faculty also offers training courses and seminars for individuals and companies who need additional expertise in the field of management. Other development activities include the creation of intensive and tailor-made management programmes taught in accordance with contemporary lifelong learning concepts, enhancing co-operation among universities at a national and international level, encouraging the academic mobility of teaching and research staff, research assistants and students, developing research activity by actively participating in national and international research networks and projects and encouraging professional co-operation with companies in the regional and wider environment.

Visoka šola za management, Koper +
Visoka šola za management, Koper +
Cankarjeva 5, SI- 6000 Koper-Capodistria, Slovenia +
The Faculty of Management of the University of Primorska originated as the School of Management in Koper, which was founded in December 1995 as a free-standing higher education institution. +
The Faculty of Management of the University of Primorska originated as the School of Management in Koper, which was founded in December 1995 as a free-standing higher education institution. +
+386 / 5 610 2000 +
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