Depot:Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana


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Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana

Medicinska fakulteta (MF), Univerza v Ljubljani
Vrazov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 543 7702

The Faculty of Medicine comprises Departments of Undergraduate Study, Graduate Study, Medicine and Dental Medicine. The later two both carry out undergraduate as well as graduate study programmes. The study of Medicine and Dental Medicine is organised in accordance with the National Higher Education Programme and lasts for six years (12 semesters). The courses take place in 'study bases' and 'study centres'. Graduates are awarded the Doctor of Medicine or the Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. The Faculty also offers MSc and PhD degree programmes. In addition, it participates in undergraduate and graduate courses at other faculties and university colleges affiliated to the University of Ljubljana.

The Faculty conducts research as an integral part of education, as well as basic and applied research in accordance with the programme of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. In incorporates a wide range of institutes which participate in a large number of national research projects, as well as in top-level international research collaborations in various medical sciences.

See also

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana Medicinska fakulteta (MF), Univerza v Ljubljani +
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana Medicinska fakulteta (MF), Univerza v Ljubljani +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Vrazov trg 2 +
The Faculty of Medicine comprises Departments of Undergraduate Study, Graduate Study, Medicine and Dental Medicine. +
The Faculty of Medicine comprises Departments of Undergraduate Study, Graduate Study, Medicine and Dental Medicine. +
+386 / 1 543 7702 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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