Depot:Film Compass Festival, Ptuj



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Filmski kompas, Ptuj
Klub ptujskih študentov, Vodnikova 2, SI-2250 Ptuj, Slovenia, [[]]
Phone386 (0) 2 776 5411, 386 (0) 31 621059

Film Compass Festival is a festival of world auteur film taking place at Ptuj City Cinema. The first festival of established:2002 was organised by Ptuj Student Club in collaboration with the Slovenian Cinematheque. In addition to screenings of French, Swedish, Iranian, Italian, Hong Kong and Japanese film masterpieces, the festival staged a panel discussion on film critique featuring Jurij Meden, Andrej Šprah, Denis Valič and Mateja Valentinčič. Film Compass Festival aims to promote non-commercial film production, distribution and presentation. Most screenings of older film classics and recent films are free of charge. The 2005 festival presented 25 films from 13 countries and four continents, with screenings at Ptuj City Cinema and Kolnkišta Club attracting over 1.400 spectators.

Filmski kompas, Ptuj +
Filmski kompas, Ptuj +
Klub ptujskih študentov, Vodnikova 2, SI-2250 Ptuj, Slovenia +
Film Compass Festival is a festival of world auteur film taking place at Ptuj City Cinema. +
Film Compass Festival is a festival of world auteur film taking place at Ptuj City Cinema. +
+386 / 2 776 5411, 386 / 31 621059 +
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