Depot:Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy



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Služba vlade za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko
Dunajska 58, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 320 1300

The Office for Local Self Government and Regional Policy manages the preparation of the national development programme, monitors its implementation, and harmonises the developmental policies of ministries during the implementation of the programme. It aims at decentralisation and the creation of provinces, regulating the status and financial autonomy of municipalities in order to bridge the differences in development across the regions. The office prepares and implements EU agreements, and co-ordinates, monitors and evaluates the programmes of ministries, governmental services, public agencies and other bodies and offices relating to regional development.

The Ministry of Culture has co-operated with this Office in conceiving development projects which apply for European Structural Funds.

Since 2010 the Office has implemented the tasks of the National Contact Point for the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism.

See also

  • Departments
    • Local Self-Government Department
    • Regional Development Department
    • EU Cohesion Policy Department
Služba vlade za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko +
Služba vlade za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Dunajska 58 +
The Office for Local Self Government and Regional Policy manages the preparation of the national development programme, monitors its implementation, and harmonises the developmental policies of ministries during the implementation of the programme. +
The Office for Local Self Government and Regional Policy manages the preparation of the national development programme, monitors its implementation, and harmonises the developmental policies of ministries during the implementation of the programme. +
+386 / 1 320 1300 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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