Depot:IPAK - Photographers and Journalist Agency



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IPAK, agencija fotografov in novinarjev
Žabjak 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 0754

Founded in 1993 by Živa Brecelj and Bojan Brecelj as a non-profit support agency for freelance Slovene photographers and journalists, IPAK collaborates with Slovene media and organisations. Its members comprise mainly Slovene freelance professionals who work for worldwide press agencies and media organisations. IPAK is represented in Europe by eight photo press agencies - Focus (Germany), Editing (France), Panos (UK), Franca Speranza (Italy), IML (Greece), Malota Media (Czech Republic), Contacto (Spain), and Contrast (Austria) - and it collaborates with several others around the globe. It has an extensive archive of national and international features and personal stories ranging from society, nature and sports to adventure, people and travelling. IPAK single images stock project was developed for editorial, advertising and institutions' needs. On the level of multimedia and art projects, IPAK published and produced photo stories on CDs ('Go out of thy Head', Kalachakra), and exhibitions (Blue Dream, Strange Friends and MayLand)..

IPAK, agencija fotografov in novinarjev +
IPAK, agencija fotografov in novinarjev +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Žabjak 2 +
Founded in 1993 by Živa Brecelj and Bojan Brecelj as a non-profit support agency for freelance Slovene photographers and journalists, IPAK collaborates with Slovene media and organisations. +
Founded in 1993 by Živa Brecelj and Bojan Brecelj as a non-profit support agency for freelance Slovene photographers and journalists, IPAK collaborates with Slovene media and organisations. +
+386 / 1 421 0754 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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