The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development is a part of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. It was established in 1947 as the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Economic Planning. Later, with the independence of the Republic of Slovenia, the Institute was charged with new tasks. Today the basic activities of the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development are in line with the needs of the government and its ministries and relate mainly to elaboration of macroeconomic analyses of economic, social and regional development, analysis and forecasts of developments on the domestic and foreign markets, or general advice in the fields of economic, social and regional development. Tasks are carried out mainly on the basis of projects. Some projects relate to culture, especially in connection with the cultural industries, tourism and sponsorship. The main projects the IMAD is involved in are: Reform programme for achieving the Lisbon Strategy, Slovenia's Development Strategy, Development Report, Human Development Report, Social Overview, Strategy for Economic Development of Slovenia (SEDS) (2001-2006), EIRO - European Industrial Relations Observatory, The Factors and Impacts of the Information Society: a Prospective Analysis in Candidate Countires. In June 2007 IMAD organised the CMTEA Joint International Conference National Reforms for the Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Kranjska gora.