Depot:International Association of Art (IAA)



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Association international des arts plastiques (AIAP)
Maison de l'UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris, France, [[]]

Phone33 1 4568 4453

Founded in 1954 under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Art (IAA) is a non-governmental organisation which represents painters, sculptors, engravers and other professional artists practising the visual arts in 86 countries and territories worldwide. Artists are represented in the IAA by their National Committees for the Visual Arts, gathering the majority of professional artists including all schools and tendencies, without any exclusions on aesthetic, ideological or other grounds.

The aims of the IAA are as follows: to contribute to the artistic development of each country, making art available to all sections of the population; to sustain permanent contacts between artists of all countries, serving as a clearing house of recent information on art, aesthetic, technical and sociological aspects of artistic development, and findings of international meetings; to defend the moral and material interests of artists everywhere, securing free access to museums for artists and encouraging the respect of international agreements in favour of the free circulation of artists' works. The IAA publishes its Bulletin in English and French, planning a Spanish edition for the future.

Association international des arts plastiques (AIAP) +
Association international des arts plastiques (AIAP) +
Maison de l'UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris, France +
Founded in 1954 under the auspices of UNESFounded in 1954 under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Art (IAA) is a non-governmental organisation which represents painters, sculptors, engravers and other professional artists practising the visual arts in 86 countries and territories 86 countries and territories worldwide. +
Founded in 1954 under the auspices of UNESFounded in 1954 under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Art (IAA) is a non-governmental organisation which represents painters, sculptors, engravers and other professional artists practising the visual arts in 86 countries and territories 86 countries and territories worldwide. +
+33 1 4568 4453 +
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