Depot:International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC)



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Mednarodno združenje gledaliških kritikov (IATC)
54 avenue Elmwood, Outremont, Québec H2V 2E4, Canada, [[]]
Phone1 514 278 5764

The International Association of Theatre Critics draws together more than 2,000 theatre critics through some 50 national sections. Founded in Paris in 1956, the IATC is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation benefiting under Statute B of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Its purpose is to bring together theatre critics in order to promote international co-operation. Its principal aims are to foster theatre criticism as a discipline and to contribute to the development of its methodological bases; to protect the ethical and professional interests of theatre critics and to promote the common rights of all its members; and to contribute to reciprocal awareness and understanding between cultures by encouraging international meetings and exchange in the field of theatre in general. IATC holds a world congress every two years, holds seminars for young critics twice a year, organises frequent symposia and participates in the juries. English and French are the Association's two official languages and its place of incorporation is Paris.

Mednarodno združenje gledaliških kritikov (IATC) +
Mednarodno združenje gledaliških kritikov (IATC) +
54 avenue Elmwood, Outremont, Québec H2V 2E4, Canada +
The International Association of Theatre Critics draws together more than 2,000 theatre critics through some 50 national sections. +
The International Association of Theatre Critics draws together more than 2,000 theatre critics through some 50 national sections. +
+1 514 278 5764 +
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