Depot:International Council on Archives (ICA)



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Mednarodni arhivski svet
60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France, [[]]
Phone33 1 4027 6349, 33 1 4027 6306, 33 1 4027 6134

ICA is the professional organisation for the world archival community, dedicated to promoting the preservation, development and use of the world's archival heritage. It brings together national archive administrations, professional associations of archivists, regional and local archives and archives of other organisations, as well as individual archivists. ICA has more than 1,500 members in over 170 countries and territories, making it truly international. It is a non-governmental organisation, which means that it maintains an independence from the political process and that its members include both public and private archive institutions and individuals. ICA works closely with inter-governmental organisations such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe. It also has strong links with other non-governmental organisations.

ICA Institutional Membership includes four Slovene members: the Archive of the Republic of Slovenia in Category A (national archives) since 1992; the Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS) in Category B (national archival associations); and Maribor Archival Association/International Institute of Archival Sciences Maribor and Historical Archives Ljubljana in Category C (other archival organisations). Individual Membership of ICA Committees and Boards includes: Dr Jedrt Vodopivec from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS) in the ICA Priority Area for Preservation and Disaster Protection; and Natalija Glažar, MA, from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS) in the ICA Priority Area for Advocacy and Public Awareness.

See also

Mednarodni arhivski svet +
Mednarodni arhivski svet +
60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France +
ICA is the professional organisation for the world archival community, dedicated to promoting the preservation, development and use of the world's archival heritage. +
ICA is the professional organisation for the world archival community, dedicated to promoting the preservation, development and use of the world's archival heritage. +
+33 1 4027 6349, 33 1 4027 6306, 33 1 4027 6134 +
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