Depot:International Federation of Actors (FIA)



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International Federation of Actors (FIA)
Brussels office: 31 rue de l’Hôpital, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, [[]]

Phone32 2 234 5653

The International Federation of Actors (FIA) was established in 1951 to defend on a strictly professional basis the artistic, economic, legal and social interests of performers; in 1974 the Fédération Internationale des Artistes de Variétés (FIAV, founded 1952) was incorporated into the FIA. FIA takes a strong interest in all issues of concern to its members and to professional performers at large. Whether confronted with technological developments, media concentration, industrial conflicts, professional matters, global issues in the entertainment sector or other relevant subject, the Federation aims to develop clear policy guidelines and make its voice heard where it matters.

International Federation of Actors (FIA) +
International Federation of Actors (FIA) +
Brussels office: 31 rue de l’Hôpital, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium +
The International Federation of Actors (FIThe International Federation of Actors (FIA) was established in 1951 to defend on a strictly professional basis the artistic, economic, legal and social interests of performers; in 1974 the Fédération Internationale des Artistes de Variétés (FIAV, founded 1952) was incorporated into the FIA.unded 1952) was incorporated into the FIA. +
The International Federation of Actors (FIThe International Federation of Actors (FIA) was established in 1951 to defend on a strictly professional basis the artistic, economic, legal and social interests of performers; in 1974 the Fédération Internationale des Artistes de Variétés (FIAV, founded 1952) was incorporated into the FIA.unded 1952) was incorporated into the FIA. +
+32 2 234 5653 +