Depot:International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)



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Mednarodna zveza filmskih arhivov (FIAF)
1 rue Defacqz, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, [[]]
Phone32 2 538 3065

After more than 60 years of experience in the field of the moving image heritage preservation, FIAF has grown up to become the most important network of leading specialised archive institutions around the world. Established in 1938, this UNESCO-affiliated organisation aims: to uphold a code of ethics for film preservation and practical standards for all areas of film archive work; to promote the creation of moving image archives in countries which lack them; to seek the improvement of the legal context within which film archives carry out their work; to promote film culture and facilitate historical research at both national and international levels; to foster training and expertise in preservation and other archive techniques; to ensure the permanent availability of material from the collections for study and research by the wider community; to encourage the collection and preservation of documents and materials relating to the cinema; and to develop co-operation between members and to ensure the international availability of films and documents.

The Slovene Film Archives is an institutional member of FIAF. In 2005, in accordance with a decision of the 2002 International FIAF Congress in Seoul, South Korea, the Slovene Film Archives and the Slovenian Cinematheque co-organised the FIAF Congress Ljubljana 2005 in honour of the 100th anniversary of Slovene film.

Mednarodna zveza filmskih arhivov (FIAF) +
Mednarodna zveza filmskih arhivov (FIAF) +
1 rue Defacqz, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium +
After more than 60 years of experience in the field of the moving image heritage preservation, FIAF has grown up to become the most important network of leading specialised archive institutions around the world. +
After more than 60 years of experience in the field of the moving image heritage preservation, FIAF has grown up to become the most important network of leading specialised archive institutions around the world. +
+32 2 538 3065 +
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