Depot:International Festival of Architecture and New Media



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Mednarodni festival arhitekture in novih medijev
Monochrome arhitekti, Poljanska cesta 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, [[]]
Phone386 (0) 1 438 2650

The International Festival of Architecture and New Media is a high-quality international programme organised every two years around a given theme by Monochrome Arhitekti and several partners including the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, the Museum of Modern Art and the British Council Slovenia.

The first festival of established:2001 was entitled 'Bionic Territories' and took place at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana; the second festival of 2003 was entitled 'Ultraskin' and took place at Museum of Modern Art; and the third festival of 2005 was entitled 'Euphoria' and took place at the Tobačna factory. The latter featured several performances, the exhibitions 'City and Skyscrapers' and 'Building the Imaginary' (Ora Ito), a fashion show by United Nude and Cliché, and a series of lectures featuring Ora Ito, Paris-based designers Dominique Jakob, Brendan MacFarlane and Rudy Ricciotti, Rome-based architects Gabriele Mastrigli and Luca Galofaro, and Hans Ibelings from Amsterdam. The festival also features panel discussions and documentary film screenings.

Mednarodni festival arhitekture in novih medijev +
Mednarodni festival arhitekture in novih medijev +
Monochrome arhitekti, Poljanska cesta 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia +
The International Festival of ArchitectureThe International Festival of Architecture and New Media is a high-quality international programme organised every two years around a given theme by Monochrome Arhitekti and several partners including the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, the Museum of Modern Art and the British Council Slovenia.dern Art and the British Council Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 438 2650 +
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