Depot:International Festival of Small and Independent Film Productions


Mednarodni festival malih in neodvisnih filmskih produkcij (FIŠ/FISch)
Hiša kulture Šmartno, Šmartno 38-40, SI-5211 Kojsko
Festival dates8.9.2011 - 10.9.2011

The International Festival of Small and Independent Film Productions, in short FIŠ/FISch, takes place in Šmartno in Goriška Brda.

External links

Mednarodni festival malih in neodvisnih filmskih produkcij (FIŠ/FISch) +
3 days, September +
8.9.2011 - 10.9.2011 +
20,110,910 +
20,110,908 +
annual +
Mednarodni festival malih in neodvisnih filmskih produkcij (FIŠ/FISch) +
SI-5211 Kojsko +
Hiša kulture Šmartno, Šmartno 38-40 +
The International Festival of Small and Independent Film Productions, in short FIŠ/FISch, takes place in Šmartno in Goriška Brda. +
The International Festival of Small and Independent Film Productions, in short FIŠ/FISch, takes place in Šmartno in Goriška Brda. +
Kojsko +
SI-5211 +