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Fédération Internationale des PEN Clubs
Brownlow House, 50-51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER, England, United Kingdom, [[]]

Phone44 20 7405 0338

International PEN, the worldwide association of writers, exists to promote friendship and goodwill among writers everywhere, regardless of their political or other views, to fight for freedom of expression and to defend vigorously writers suffering under oppressive regimes. PEN is strictly non-political, a non-governmental organisation with category A status at UNESCO. It is composed of centres, each of which represents its members, not its country. Membership is open to all writers, regardless of nationality, race, colour or religion, and each centre, being autonomous, sets its own membership qualifications. PEN is currently represented in 131 countries throughout the world. Its publishing arm, International PEN Books, is engaged in the publication of anthologies and histories of contemporary literature from around the world.

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Fédération Internationale des PEN Clubs +
Fédération Internationale des PEN Clubs +
Brownlow House, 50-51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER, England, United Kingdom +
International PEN, the worldwide assocInternational PEN, the worldwide association of writers, exists to promote friendship and goodwill among writers everywhere, regardless of their political or other views, to fight for freedom of expression and to defend vigorously writers suffering under oppressive regimes.riters suffering under oppressive regimes. +
International PEN, the worldwide associatiInternational PEN, the worldwide association of writers, exists to promote friendship and goodwill among writers everywhere, regardless of their political or other views, to fight for freedom of expression and to defend vigorously writers suffering under oppressive regimes.riters suffering under oppressive regimes. +
+44 20 7405 0338 +