Depot:Ljubljanske novice



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Ljubljanske novice

Launched in 1995 and aimed at Slovenes living abroad, the online newspaper Ljubljanske novice brings daily news from Slovenia and the world, plus economy, culture and sports sections. There is a special sub-site called Slovenes web, which comprises a collection of links to Slovene clubs and associations in Austria, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Australia, the USA, Canada and Argentina.

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Ljubljanske novice +
Ljubljanske novice +
Launched in 1995 and aimed at Slovenes living abroad, the online newspaper Ljubljanske novice brings daily news from Slovenia and the world, plus economy, culture and sports sections. +
Launched in 1995 and aimed at Slovenes living abroad, the online newspaper Ljubljanske novice brings daily news from Slovenia and the world, plus economy, culture and sports sections. +