Depot:Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport



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Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport (MIZKŠ)
Masarykova cesta 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 400 5200

In February 2012 the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport was established, merging the former Depot:Ministry of Education and Sport, Depot:Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Culture. In spring 2013 followed the reorganisation that resulted in the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the re-established Ministry of Culture.


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport is the part of the Government of the Republic that is responsible for pre-school education and primary, secondary, and higher education, science, research, sport, and creativity, art, culture, cultural heritage, media, the information society, electronic communications, the Slovenian language and religious communities.


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport performs tasks relating to education and social protection of children, adolescents and adults in kindergartens, primary schools, school student residence halls, music schools, secondary schools and in institutions and units for adult education; education of members of the Italian, Roma and Hungarian ethnic communities, education of members of the Slovene minority in Italy, Austria and Hungary; supplementary lessons in Slovene language and literature for Slovenes around the world; sports education and recreation; selective and professional sport, etc. The body affiliated to the ministry is the Office of the RS for Youth.

The Ministry performs also tasks in the field of higher education, research, science and also co-ordinates work in the field of the information society.

The offices of the MIZKŠ dedicated to culture are situated at Maistrova 10 (two streets away from the headquarters). It is the task of the Creativity Directorate to provide suitable opportunities for creation in cultural spheres in Slovenia and foster international cooperation, while the Cultural Heritage Directorate is responsible for the unmovable, movable as well as intangible cultural heritage. The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is affiliated to the Ministry.

Additionally, the task of the Media Directorate of the Ministry is to protect the right to freedom of expression in the media and to ensure the media pluralism. The Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Electronic Communications, Electronic Signature and Post are the bodies within the Ministry that oversee the implementation of legislation and other regulations and general acts relating to culture and media.


In addition to its national and international stipend and scholarship programmes, the Education, Science, Culture and Sport issues various annual public calls and competitions.

Where funding of public institutions is concerned, there are special calls for archive institutions and libraries, for movable cultural heritage institutions (mostly museums), for unmovable cultural heritage projects (investments in infrastructure) and for audio-visual programmes. All public state cultural institutions are required to present their following year's programmes to the Ministry, which then decides on their annual subsidy according to the annual budget. For non-governmental organisations, the Ministry announces (usually in Autumn) a call for public cultural programmes and projects. There are also some additional special public calls.

Funding related to literature and publishing has been performed by the Slovenian Book Agency, while the national cultural programme in the sphere of film is implemented by the Slovenian Film Centre.

International co-operation in funding education, science or culture is organised according to several bilateral contracts. In 2011 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture launched a new financial mechanism: a special fund to support cultural events organised by Slovene embassies and consulates round the world.

International cooperation

The Ministry’s area of work in the field of international co-operation encompass bilateral and multilateral co-operation. The Ministry represents Slovenia and participates on its behalf in the work of the European Commission committees. It is actively involved in the 5th, 6th and 7th EU Framework Programmes. It also covers the activities of Slovenia in the R&D field of South Eastern Europe. Within the Ministry, Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO office performs tasks concerning Slovenia’s co-operation with UNESCO.

See also

The MIZKŠ organisational chart below is not final (April 16, 2012), check it out later on.



Funds within the Ministry

National Councils

Bodies under the Ministry

External links

Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport (MIZKŠ) +
46.057 +
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport (MIZKŠ) +
14.516 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Masarykova cesta 16 +
The Ministry of Education, Science, CulturThe Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport is the part of the Government of the Republic that is responsible for pre-school education and primary, secondary, and higher education, science, research, sport, and creativity, art, culture, cultural heritage, media, the information society, electronic communications, the Slovenian language and religious communities.venian language and religious communities. +
The Ministry of Education, Science, CulturThe Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport is the part of the Government of the Republic that is responsible for pre-school education and primary, secondary, and higher education, science, research, sport, and creativity, art, culture, cultural heritage, media, the information society, electronic communications, the Slovenian language and religious communities.venian language and religious communities. +
+386 / 1 400 5200 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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