Depot:Ministry of Finance



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Ministrstvo za finance
Župančičeva 3, SI-1502 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 1 369 6600

The Ministry of Finance manages the budget and state finances, monetary funds and national debts, and has a regulatory role in the domain of the financial system. The Ministry's economic objectives are to cut inflation while maintaining solid economic growth and low unemployment, and to meet the other convergence criteria for Slovenia's entry into the Euro Zone in 2007. The goal of tax reform is to modernise the tax system and within this framework to distribute the tax burden more fairly and more evenly, to expand the tax basis, to simplify the tax system and the administrative procedures, and to adapt to the acquis communautaire.

Bodies within the Ministry include the Tax Administration, the Customs Administration, the Office for Money Laundering Prevention, the Office for Gaming Supervision, the Foreign Exchange Inspectorate and the Public Payments Administration. The latter performs functions in the execution of payments to direct and indirect users of the national budget and municipal budgets and provides technological and executive support for treasury operations at the level of the state and the municipalities.

The Ministry of Finance co-operates with the Ministry of Culture in preparing proposals for investment in culture which are co-financed through municipalities from the state budget.

See also

  • Agencies
    • Budget Supervision Office
    • Customs Administration
    • Office for Gaming Supervision
    • Office for Money Laundering Prevention
    • Public Payments Administration
    • Tax Administration
  • Directorates
    • Directorate of Budget
    • Directorate of Financial System
    • Directorate of Public Accountancy
    • Directorate of Public Property
    • Directorate of System of Tax, Customs and Other Public Finance Revenues
    • Directorate of Treasury
... more about "Ministry of Finance"
Ministrstvo za finance +
Ministrstvo za finance +
SI-1502 Ljubljana +
Župančičeva 3 +
The Ministry of Finance manages the budget and state finances, monetary funds and national debts, and has a regulatory role in the domain of the financial system. +
The Ministry of Finance manages the budget and state finances, monetary funds and national debts, and has a regulatory role in the domain of the financial system. +
+386 / 1 369 6600 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1502 +