Depot:Ministry of the Economy



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Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo
Kotnikova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 400 3311

The Ministry of the Economy was established in 2001 as an amalgamation of previously independent ministries. A legislative amendment of 2004 expanded the area of responsibility covered by the Ministry, which is now divided into six directorates, covering entrepreneurship and competitiveness, foreign economic relations, tourism, the internal market, energy, and electronic communications.

An important priority is the development of a quality support environment for entrepreneurship and innovation through increased investment in strengthening existing development and support institutions. These include technology centres and parks, business incubators at universities and a development network for small businesses that contribute to greater recognition and more equal regional coverage.

Bodies relevant to culture within the Ministry are the Slovene Intellectual Property Office, the Directorate for Electronic Communications and the Directorate for Tourism.

The Ministry of the Economy co-ordinates projects relating to the revitalisation of cultural heritage, which are to be developed within the European Structural Funds Scheme and are developed at the Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture.

See also

... more about "Ministry of the Economy"
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo +
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kotnikova 5 +
The Ministry of the Economy was established in 2001 as an amalgamation of previously independent ministries. +
The Ministry of the Economy was established in 2001 as an amalgamation of previously independent ministries. +
+386 / 1 400 3311 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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