Depot:Pomurje Educational Foundation



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Fundacija Znanje za razvoj (Prekmurska izobraževalna fundacija PIF)
Lendavska 5a, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
Phone386 (0) 2 536 1461

Pomurje Educational Foundation was established in 1993 by agreement with the Ministry of Education and Sport, but when the new Law on Institutions (ustanove) was introduced in 1995, all foundation bodies were dissolved. In 1999 the new znanje za razvoj ('knowledge for development') foundation was established by the Regional Development Agency Mura d o o. Every year it issues a competition for the Murska Sobota Urban Municipality Golden Stipends, a competition for financial grants for gifted students and a competition for the ‘Pomurje Research Awards’. The Foundation gets funding from the state, including regular funds from Murska Sobota Urban Municipality, from other institutions in the region (in 2002 from Radio Viva d o o, Creativ d o o, the Union for Technical Culture of Slovenia, Zavarovalnica Triglav d d), from its own projects and from some individuals. The Foundation has also organised several workshops, including ‘Employment Possibilities of Pomurje Students in Pomurje Region’, ‘Introduction to Educational Programmes for the Young’ and ‘Regional Politics and the Influence of the Young in Pomurje’.

Fundacija Znanje za razvoj (Prekmurska izobraževalna fundacija PIF) +
Fundacija Znanje za razvoj (Prekmurska izobraževalna fundacija PIF) +
SI-9000 Murska Sobota +
Lendavska 5a +
Pomurje Educational Foundation was established in 1993 by agreement with the Ministry of Education and Sport, but when the new Law on Institutions (ustanove) was introduced in 1995, all foundation bodies were dissolved. +
Pomurje Educational Foundation was established in 1993 by agreement with the Ministry of Education and Sport, but when the new Law on Institutions (ustanove) was introduced in 1995, all foundation bodies were dissolved. +
+386 / 2 536 1461 +
Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 +
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