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Meljska cesta 34, SI-2000 Maribor

Phone386 (0) 2 234 5500

Established in 1994 by commercial TV company RTS TV - Tele 59 Ltd, RTS TV acquired the status of a regional station of special significance in 2003. Its programmes are broadcast over the whole of Slovene territory via satellite. In late 2004 it moved into new premises and since 2006 it has also broadcast its programmes digitally. RTS TV is an official TV station which covers the annual Lent Festival and Celje Crafts Fair.

In 2004 RTS TV was at the forefront of the Council of Europe's Convention on Cross-border Television initiative, which has stimulated programme exchange, co-productions, common panel discussions and media and market research by various regional television companies including TV Idea - Kanal 10, Murska Sobota from Slovenia, Steiermark 1 and MEMA TV from Austria, Varaždin TV from Croatia and TV Szombathely from Hungary. A conference Neighbours Without Frontiers was also organised.

RTS TV has recently begun to broadcast a number of live football events and to work on the production and post-production of various programmes for other media. Plans for 2008 include a new studio in Ljubljana and a new high-quality information programme.

... more about "RTS TV"
SI-2000 Maribor +
Meljska cesta 34 +
Established in 1994 by commercial TV company RTS TV - Tele 59 Ltd, RTS TV acquired the status of a regional station of special significance in 2003. +
Established in 1994 by commercial TV company RTS TV - Tele 59 Ltd, RTS TV acquired the status of a regional station of special significance in 2003. +
+386 / 2 234 5500 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +