Depot:Radio Štajerski val (Radio Šmarje)



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Radio Štajerski val (Radio Šmarje)
Aškerčev trg 21, SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah
Phone386 (0) 3 817 1210, 386 (0) 3 817 1211

Radio Šmarje is Slovenia's oldest local radio station, which began transmissions in 1953. It broadcasts on 93.7 MHz via the Boč transmitter and on 87.6 Mhz via the Podsreda transmitter. 19 hours of its 24-hour daily programmes are produced in house by 15 employees and around 50 contributors.

The station is a member of the Slovenski nočni program ('Slovene Night Programme', SNOP) network of regional/local radio stations, which prepares programmes for transmission between midnight and 5am, sharing this responsibility between its members; every month each participating radio station must prepare two nights of programming which is then broadcast by all 10 SNOP member stations.

The radio has almost 40,000 regular listeners and some programmes are listened to by as many as 90,000 listeners (Cati Research, 2003). According to Mediana studies, Radio Štajerski val is the most widely-popular local non-commercial radio station in the country.

Radio Štajerski val (Radio Šmarje) +
Radio Štajerski val (Radio Šmarje) +
SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah +
Aškerčev trg 21 +
Radio Šmarje is Slovenia's oldest local radio station, which began transmissions in 1953. +
Radio Šmarje is Slovenia's oldest local radio station, which began transmissions in 1953. +
+386 / 3 817 1210, 386 / 3 817 1211 +
Šmarje pri Jelšah +
SI-3240 +
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