Depot:Radio Kranj



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Radio Kranj
Slovenski trg 1, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 4 202 2825

Radio Kranj, also known as Gorenjski megasrček, has broadcast its programmes since 1990 and covers both the Kranj urban municipality region and also Ljubljana. It has 500,000 potential listeners and its programming is based on information distribution for different target groups. The station is broadcast 24 hours a day at the frequency 97.3 MHz FM; around 95 per cent of its programming is created in-house.

The station is a member of the Slovenski nočni program ('Slovene Night Programme', SNOP) network of regional/local radio stations, which prepares programmes for transmission between midnight and 5am, sharing this responsibility between its members; every month each participating radio station must prepare two nights of programming which is then broadcast by all 10 SNOP member stations.

Radio Kranj organises public panel discussions, meetings, excursions and concerts and has thus became one of the most popular Gorenjska radio stations. It co-operates with many Slovene and international institutions and with more than 3,200 business partners. Cultural events are reported on during regular daily news and in special programmes.

Radio Kranj co-operates with the Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre in Ljubljana, Prešeren Theatre Kranj and other cultural institutions in the Gorenjska region. Several interviews with local and international artists and direct transmissions of important cultural events present an important programme dimension which is enriched with occasional international co-operation.

Radio Kranj is also available via the Internet.

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Radio Kranj +
Radio Kranj +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Slovenski trg 1 +
Radio Kranj, also known as Gorenjski megasrček, has broadcast its programmes since 1990 and covers both the Kranj urban municipality region and also Ljubljana. +
Radio Kranj, also known as Gorenjski megasrček, has broadcast its programmes since 1990 and covers both the Kranj urban municipality region and also Ljubljana. +
+386 / 4 202 2825 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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