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Radio Ognjišče
Štula 23, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 512 1126

Radio Ognjišče (meaning 'fireplace') is a Catholic church radio station owned by the Ognjišče Publishing Association, which has been publishing youth magazines for 40 years. The station has been broadcasting since 1994 and today it has 12 transmitters which cover up to 80 per cent of Slovene territory and can theoretically reach 75 per cent of population. The 24-hour radio programme has 200,000 to 250,000 regular listeners, making it the third most popular radio station in Slovenia. It produces its own shows at its central studio in Ljubljana, and also has a branch studio in Koper which broadcasts one or two hours of local programming daily. It also has a local press office in the parish of Martjanci in Prekmurje.

Radio Ognjišče covers all programme topics within the perspective of Catholic teaching: it produces its own hourly news bulletin and a twice-daily 30-minute news programme. Music occupies some 50 per cent of its air time. Outside broadcasts are produced regularly. The station has been broadcast on the Hot Bird 3 satellite since 2004 and is also available on the Internet.

The Friends of Radio Ognjišče contribute to the funding of the station. Radio Ognjišče also organises two or three concerts each year, plus meetings of listeners, pilgrimages, tours and holidays.

... more about "Radio Ognjišče"
Radio Ognjišče +
Radio Ognjišče +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Štula 23 +
Radio Ognjišče (meaning 'fireplace') is a Catholic church radio station owned by the Ognjišče Publishing Association, which has been publishing youth magazines for 40 years. +
Radio Ognjišče (meaning 'fireplace') is a Catholic church radio station owned by the Ognjišče Publishing Association, which has been publishing youth magazines for 40 years. +
+386 / 1 512 1126 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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