Depot:Radio Slovenske gorice



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Radio Slovenske gorice
Phone386 (0) 2 720 7323, 386 (0) 2 729 0220-1

Radio Slovenske gorice covers the region of Slovenske Gorice, part of Prekmurja, Prlekija, Dravsko polje and Maribor Urban Municipality, broadcasting on the frequency 96.4 MHz FM, 24 hours a day.

The station is a member of the Slovenski nočni program ('Slovene Night Programme', SNOP) network of regional/local radio stations, which prepares programmes for transmission between midnight and 5am, sharing this responsibility between its members; every month each participating radio station must prepare two nights of programming which is then broadcast by all 10 SNOP member stations.

... more about "Radio Slovenske gorice"
Radio Slovenske gorice +
Radio Slovenske gorice +
SI-2230 Lenart v Slovenskih goricah +
Trg osvoboditve 5 +
Radio Slovenske gorice covers the region of Slovenske Gorice, part of Prekmurja, Prlekija, Dravsko polje and Maribor Urban Municipality, broadcasting on the frequency 96.4 MHz FM, 24 hours a day. +
Radio Slovenske gorice covers the region of Slovenske Gorice, part of Prekmurja, Prlekija, Dravsko polje and Maribor Urban Municipality, broadcasting on the frequency 96.4 MHz FM, 24 hours a day. +
+386 / 2 720 7323, 386 / 2 729 0220-1 +
Lenart v Slovenskih goricah +
SI-2230 +
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