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Samorog Book Club

A book club called Samorog (The Unicorn) established by Nova revija Publishing House unites around 30 Slovene publishing houses and 25 Slovene theatres and galleries in order to offer around 500 books, magazines, catalogues and other publications from the field of literature, the humanities and the social sciences. The Samorog Book Club catalogue with discount prices for the club members is available online.

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Samorog Book Club +
Samorog Book Club +
A book club called Samorog (The Unicorn) eA book club called Samorog (The Unicorn) established by Nova revija Publishing House unites around 30 Slovene publishing houses and 25 Slovene theatres and galleries in order to offer around 500 books, magazines, catalogues and other publications from the field of literature, the humanities and the social sciences.e, the humanities and the social sciences. +
A book club called Samorog (The Unicorn) eA book club called Samorog (The Unicorn) established by Nova revija Publishing House unites around 30 Slovene publishing houses and 25 Slovene theatres and galleries in order to offer around 500 books, magazines, catalogues and other publications from the field of literature, the humanities and the social sciences.e, the humanities and the social sciences. +