Depot:Slovenian Cinematheque Research and Publishing Department



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Slovenska kinoteka, Oddelek za raziskovanje in založništvo
Miklošičeva 38, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 434 2510

INTO DEPO! The department has been abolished! In 1996 the Research and Publishing Department of the newly-established Slovenian Cinematheque took over various collections from the former Slovene Theatre and Film Museum. These included Slovene Film, dedicated to Slovene filmmakers and film history, and Imago, a series of film theory books. The latter was in fact a continuation of the EKRAN, Magazine for Film and Television collection established in 1985. From 1985-2002 Imago themes included Author-Genre-Spectator, Editing, Films of the Eighties, Cinema and Literature, Film Comedy, Film Figures, Media and Identities, European National Cinematographies, Documentaries, How to Write a History of the Cinema, Arts, Architecture and Film, Current Problems of ‘Third World Cinema’ and Digital Film. Texts also stemmed from annual events at the Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory organised by EKRAN and the Slovenian Cinematheque.

Since taking over these collections the Slovenian Cinematheque's Research and Publishing Department has made use of this important resource by publishing about 40 books and catalogues to accompany its various film retrospectives. It has also launched various new collections, including Retrovizor, covering marginal and lesser-known fields of film art, the Podobopis film script series, published in co-operation with the Slovene Film Fund, and the collection Vizure, introduced in co-operation with Nova revija Publishing House.

The Research and Publishing Department collaborates with the Cinematheque's Programme Department in publishing the monthly Kinotečnik newsletter, and also with the Cinematheque's Museum Department in publishing various special editions and catalogues.

It also promotes and distributes the publications of the Slovenian Cinematheque to libraries, bookshops and institutions at home and abroad, and presents them at book fairs, film festivals and other events, thereby promoting high-quality film literature.

See also

External links

Slovenska kinoteka, Oddelek za raziskovanje in založništvo +
Slovenska kinoteka, Oddelek za raziskovanje in založništvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Miklošičeva 38 +
+386 / 1 434 2510 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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