Depot:TV Primorka



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TV Primorka
VA Video Audio film d o o, Polje 5, SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia, [[]]
Phone386 (0) 5 330 6660, 386 (0) 5 330 6662

Launched in 1994, TV Primorka is broadcast by cable throughout the entire Primorska region, from Bovec to Piran, with around 100,000 connections and 350,000 potential viewers. Programmes are broadcast every day from 5pm to 12 midnight, and around 80 per cent of them are produced by TV Primorka itself. They include daily TV news programmes, music and entertainment programmes (for example, 'Videospot of the Day', 'Pop Rock World', 'Videocontact', 'Music from the Saint Francis Gardens' and reports on other local events), children's programmes ('A Rainbow in My Basket', 'Grandpa Tells Stories', 'Rollers Reviews', 'Youth Corner', 'Young Talents from Music School', cartoons) and sports programmes, as well as programmes on current affairs, health and the economy. TV Primorka also produces and broadcasts a programme called 'Between the Soča and Nadiža Rivers', aimed at the Slovene minority in Italy.

In 1999 TV Primorka joined the 3rd TV Network, which bound it together with four other regional TV stations - Studio Signal TV, Vaša Television (VTV), Vaš kanal and TV AS - with the aim of covering broader territory and exchanging programmes. Studio Signal functions as the headquarters of this network. TV Primorka is a also member of the Association of Slovene Local Television Stations (LTV Slovenia).

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TV Primorka +
TV Primorka +
VA Video Audio film d o o, Polje 5, SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia +
Launched in 1994, TV Primorka is broadcast by cable throughout the entire Primorska region, from Bovec to Piran, with around 100,000 connections and 350,000 potential viewers. +
Launched in 1994, TV Primorka is broadcast by cable throughout the entire Primorska region, from Bovec to Piran, with around 100,000 connections and 350,000 potential viewers. +
+386 / 5 330 6660, 386 / 5 330 6662 +
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