Depot:Turistica - College of Tourism Portorož



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Turistica - Visoka šola za turizem/Instituto universitario studi turistici
Phone386 (0) 5 617 7000

Established with the assistance of European TEMPUS Project, Turistica - College of Tourism offers a wide range of training programmes in tourism and tourism management at Portorož and also (providing at least 30 students have enrolled at each location) at three branch locations around Slovenia - Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Radenci.

The School co-operates with the Universite D'Angers, the Free University of Brussels, the Netherlands Institute of Tourism and Transport Studies and the Universita Degli Studi di Venezia. Through the Erasmus-Socrates project it has initiated a collaboration with Kalmar University, Sweden and the University of the West of England in Bristol, UK. Turistica is also engaged in the TEMPUS PHARE-MOCCA programme and has organised several workshops and conferences in Slovenia. Bilateral agreements have been signed with the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Opatija, Croatia, the International School for Tourism, Haifa University, Israel, the High School for Tourism, Szekesfehervar University, Hungary, and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Kalmar University, Sweden.

Many foreign experts from tourism training institutions in Croatia, France, Spain, the UK (Scotland, Surrey), Hungary, the USA, Austria, Germany, Israel, Finland, and Sweden have appeared as guest lecturers within Turistica’s programmes. Students also regularly participate in international exchanges, eg terrain work at the Bristol Frenchay Campus of the University of West of England. From November 2000 until January 2002 Turistica co-ordinated a series of intensive cultural tourism development programmes, financed by ERASMUS and linking it with universities in the Netherlands, the UK, Hungary and Portugal. A ‘Winter University’ conference entitled ‘Cultural Tourism: Past, Present and Future’ took place in January 2002 in Portorož.

Turistica is a member of several tourist and hotel management unions (AIEST, IH&RA, Atlas).

Turistica - Visoka šola za turizem/Instituto universitario studi turistici +
Turistica - Visoka šola za turizem/Instituto universitario studi turistici +
SI-6320 Portorož-Portorose +
Senčna pot 10 +
Established with the assistance of EuropeaEstablished with the assistance of European TEMPUS Project, Turistica - College of Tourism offers a wide range of training programmes in tourism and tourism management at Portorož and also (providing at least 30 students have enrolled at each location) at three branch locations around Slovenia - Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Radenci.enia - Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Radenci. +
Established with the assistance of EuropeaEstablished with the assistance of European TEMPUS Project, Turistica - College of Tourism offers a wide range of training programmes in tourism and tourism management at Portorož and also (providing at least 30 students have enrolled at each location) at three branch locations around Slovenia - Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Radenci.enia - Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Radenci. +
+386 / 5 617 7000 +
Portorož-Portorose +
SI-6320 +
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