Depot:Vestnik Murska Sobota



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Vestnik Murska Sobota
Arhitekta Novaka 13, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
Phone386 (0) 2 538 1710

Launched in 1949, Vestnik is the only regional newspaper in the Pomurje region of northeastern Slovenia. It appears every Thursday with a print-run of around 16,000 issues.

According to the National Research on Readership, in 2009 Vestnik was read daily by 59,000 people, giving it a 3.5 per cent daily reach. The newspaper covers all regional themes (politics, economy, culture, sport, youth, life stories, etc.), and occasionally also national or cross-border themes. Its cultural editorial covers both amateur and professional cultural events in Pomurje and features book reviews and portraits of Pomurje artists, including those who live abroad.

See also

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... more about "Vestnik Murska Sobota"
Vestnik Murska Sobota +
Vestnik Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 Murska Sobota +
Arhitekta Novaka 13 +
Launched in 1949, Vestnik is the only regional newspaper in the Pomurje region of northeastern Slovenia. +
Launched in 1949, Vestnik is the only regional newspaper in the Pomurje region of northeastern Slovenia. +
+386 / 2 538 1710 +
Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 +
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