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Xenia (Ksenija) Jus is an engaged artist who began her creative work in the theatre during the period 1989-1996. Xenia's music debut was the self-publishing project Link der Wasser, following which she also contributed to a CD featuring Faust TV - rock'n'roll opera at the Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Maribor (1996) and to the compilation Čuj ti, v Mariboru si! ( KMŠ 2000), as well as participating in Poets Sung by Rockers (2001). In 2001 she took part in a chanson competition at Ljubljana Castle. During the period 2000-2002 Xenia worked with No Phobia Orchestra (Andreja Žel, diatonic accordion and Matjaž Stošič, flamenco guitar). In 2002 she published her solo album Xenia Total and L'Humanite Nouvelle with the No Phobia Orchestra (Front Rock records). The albums Karta do sonca ('A Ticket to the Sun', Ehodrom records), Jakob&Ruah (with musicians Gregor Cvetko, Boštjan Golinar and Rok Koritnik), and Little Uptown Dogs (in English) have followed.

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Xenia Jus +
Xenia Jus +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Glinška 11 +
Xenia (Ksenija) Jus is an engaged artist who began her creative work in the theatre during the period 1989-1996. +
Xenia (Ksenija) Jus is an engaged artist who began her creative work in the theatre during the period 1989-1996. +
+386 / 41 289291, 386 / 31 445983 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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