Depot:Zvezda Cinema Association, Tolmin



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Kino društvo Zvezda Tolmin
Brunov drevored 19, SI-5220 Tolmin

The Zvezda Cinema Association produced the short film Amigo directed by Dimitar Anakiev and Simon Obleščak in 2003. The film received awards for best documentary film at the 6th Festival of Slovenian Film and at the Kalguja Festival in Moscow.

Kino društvo Zvezda Tolmin +
Kino društvo Zvezda Tolmin +
SI-5220 Tolmin +
Brunov drevored 19 +
The Zvezda Cinema Association produced the short film Amigo directed by Dimitar Anakiev and Simon Obleščak in 2003. +
The Zvezda Cinema Association produced the short film Amigo directed by Dimitar Anakiev and Simon Obleščak in 2003. +
Tolmin +
SI-5220 +