DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival


DokuBazaar, neodvisni ljubljanski festival dokumentarnega filma
Škrabčeva ulica 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Festival dates6.10.2024 - 12.10.2024
Past events
  • 6 Feb 2012

    Austria Graz Art cinema Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino

    Graz Short Film Night 2012, short docs from Central and Eastern Europe in focus, organised by DokuBazaar

DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival is a transnational independent documentary film festival which took off in 2009 in Ljubljana. It is dedicated to promotion of contemporary short and feature documentaries and their authors from all over the world, striving to present the most diverse and socially engaged works, the 2021 topic being human rights education. It usually lasts about 3 or 4 days and is held sometime in early autumn. The Ljubljana International Short Film Festival is its spring counterpart, taking place in Gromka.


The festival programme usually brings about 40 films of all sorts and does not feature any competitive sections. Sometimes, it does hold special focuses like "Zoom Finland", "Zoom Israel" and similar. The presented movies are chosen through an open call by the festival, and have come from Poland, Afghanistan, Switzerland, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Spain, Ecuador, Germany, Finland, Mali, etc.

Accompanying Programme

DokuBazaar occasionally features photography exhibitions at the Celica Hostel, where it, for example, presented the Finnish artist Maria Kankkunen and a retrospective of contemporary Norwegian documentary photography. The year 2015 also saw the Children First: Anthropological Film Festival of Children and Youth, a separate festival organised by a team partly connected to DokuBazaar.


The festival as a free social cinema was held in Klub Gromka, partly stationed also at the Trubar Literature House or Tovarna Rog. The 2021 edition has been coorganised by the Škuc Gallery.

See also

External links

DokuBazaar, neodvisni ljubljanski festival dokumentarnega filma +
3 days, October, November +
1.10.2012 - 3.10.2012, 30.9.2013 - 2.10.2013, 27.10.2014 - 29.10.2014, 21.9.2015 - 23.9.2015, 20.11.2017 - 22.11.2017, 7.6.2021 - 11.6.2021, 1.6.2022 - 31.10.2022, 1.10.2023 - 10.10.2023, 6.10.2024 - 12.10.2024 +
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annual +
DokuBazaar, neodvisni ljubljanski festival dokumentarnega filma +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Škrabčeva ulica 2 +
DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival is a transnational independent documentary film festival which took off in 2009 in Ljubljana. +
DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival is a transnational independent documentary film festival which took off in 2009 in Ljubljana. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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