Edi Einspieler

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Edi Einspieler
Janežičeva pot 3, SI-3000 Celje

Phone386 (0) 4 174 5584

Edi Einspieler is a photographer from Celje who is active as an independent photographer from the end of 80s. Today, Einspieler works within the Sherpa Photography Agency (Fotografska agencija Sherpa). He is longtime cooperator and contributor of the photographic material for Historical Archives Celje.

See also

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... more about "Edi Einspieler"
Edi Einspieler +
Edi Einspieler +
SI-3000 Celje +
Janežičeva pot 3 +
Edi Einspieler is a photographer from Celje who is active as an independent photographer from the end of 80s. +
Edi Einspieler is a photographer from Celje who is active as an independent photographer from the end of 80s. +
+386 / 4 174 5584 +
Celje +
SI-3000 +