Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia

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Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije
Trnovski pristan 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 420 2330

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia provides a range of consular services, disseminates information about Spain in Slovenia and looks for cooperation opportunities. Its tasks also include the promotion of arts and culture from Spain.

The Cultural Section of the Spanish embassy in Ljubljana is an associated partner of the EUNIC Slovenia, the Slovene cluster of the European Union National Institutes for Culture.

Cultural cooperation

The embassy supports cultural links between Spain and Slovenia. In 1994 the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Spain on Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science was signed, followed in 1994 by the Programme of Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Spain for the Years 1999–2003.

In 2005, the branch of the Instituto Cervantes (IC) network Instituto Cervantes Liubliana was opened. Various stipends are available for study in Spain.

In 2015, the Embassy together with MGLC launched Forma MGLC, a short-term training programme aimed at young people from Spain and Slovenia operating in the fields of culture, new technologies, social media, and innovative approaches within arts and culture.

esAsi award

Since 2011, the Embassy has given out the biennial esAsi award for the best Slovenian language translation from Spanish language. Apart from the EsAsi award for professional translators, there is also an EsAsi Award for young translators.


The esAsi Young Translators Award and other news related to arts and culture from Spain in Slovenia are published on the new website of the Embassy Espanacultura.si.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije +
Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trnovski pristan 24 +
The Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia provides a range of consular services, disseminates information about Spain in Slovenia and looks for cooperation opportunities. +
The Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia provides a range of consular services, disseminates information about Spain in Slovenia and looks for cooperation opportunities. +
+386 / 1 420 2330 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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