Embassy of the Republic of Austria in Slovenia

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Veleposlaništvo Republike Avstrije v Republiki Sloveniji
Prešernova cesta 23, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 479 0700
Past events

The Embassy of the Republic of Austria in Slovenia provides consular, economical and cultural services. The letter are performed by the Austrian Cultural Forum, Ljubljana located at the Embassy.

The Embassy of the Republic of Austria Stipends include the Bertha von Suttner Stipend, the Ernst Mach-Stipend, the Franz Werfel-Stipend for young university teachers of the German language and Austrian Literature, and the Stipend for Art Academies (Kunstuniversitäts-Stipendium).

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Republike Avstrije v Republiki Sloveniji +
Veleposlaništvo Republike Avstrije v Republiki Sloveniji +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Prešernova cesta 23 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Austria in Slovenia provides consular, economical and cultural services. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Austria in Slovenia provides consular, economical and cultural services. +
+386 / 1 479 0700 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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