Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Priština
20 Jun 2021
4 Jul 2021
Exhibition The Future of Living, a selection of contemporary Slovenian design, in cooperation with the Centre for Creativity, Museum of Architecture and Design, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Priština
5 Aug 2019
21 Aug 2019
Seminars and lectures by Zdenka Badovinac (Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova), Miran Mohar (Irwin), and Renata Salecl in the frame of the international platform Summer School as School, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Priština,
16 Jul 2019
The screening of Consequences, directed by Darko Štante and co-produced by Temporama, Zwinger Film, NuFrame, and Sinhro Studio 100, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Priština,
at the International Film Festival -
27 Apr 2018
Lojze Kalinšek showcases his works at a poetry reading, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Priština
Cultural cooperation
The embassy supports cooperation in culture, science, and education. In 2010, the Agreement on Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science between the Republic of Slovenia and Republic of Kosovo was signed. Together with the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund, the embassy promotes applications for the award of scholarships for nationals of the Western Balkans to study in Slovenia.
The Artist-in-Residence programme "Pristina has No River" run by Qendra Multimedia from Priština together with partners of the programme Goethe Institute, Traduki, S. Fischer Stiftung, European Commission, Krokodil Festival hosted several artists from Southeastern Europe and Germany (residence artists from Slovenia included Tea Hvala and Jurij Hudolin).
For some years, since 2011, the Tobačna 001 Cultural Centre, run by Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana regularly published an open call for a residency exchange for visual artists who wish to further develop their work at the partner institutions Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina and the Israeli Centre for Digital Art in Holon. Among participating artists, the exchange programme in Prishtina included Ana Čigon from Slovenia and Qëndresë Deda and Alban Muja from Kosovo.