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This complimentary database to Evroterm contains a bilingual parallel corpora of translations of EU legal documents, the English-Slovene corpus totaling about 34 million words. In 2006, German-Slovene corpus was made (1 million words), followed by French-Slovene corpus in 2007 (200,000 words) as well as Italian-Slovene and Spanish-Slovene in 2008.

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Evrokorpus +
Evrokorpus +
This complimentary database to Evroterm contains a bilingual parallel corpora of translations of EU legal documents, the English-Slovene corpus totaling about 34 million words. +
This complimentary database to Evroterm contains a bilingual parallel corpora of translations of EU legal documents, the English-Slovene corpus totaling about 34 million words. +