Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana

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Ekonomska fakulteta (EF), Univerza v Ljubljani
Kardeljeva ploščad 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 589 2400
Past events

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana (FELU) offers undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes in a range of subjects including Accounting and Auditing, Business Informatics, Business Logistics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, International Business, International Economics, Management, Marketing, Money and Finance, and Tourism. It has recently launched a European Masters degree programme in Tourism Management.

The Faculty was one of the first in Slovenia to establish new internationally-comparable programmes at both undergraduate and graduate levels accredited under the 3+2 system (comparability with the best international schools of business including the European Credit Transfer System). A large number of courses are taught in English. The Faculty holds the EQUIS and AACSB international certificates of educational quality.

Since 1990 the Faculty has managed the European Documentation Centre with the aim of supporting the efficient dissemination of information on the European integration process.

The FELU Gallery

In April 2010 the newly renovated gallery space of the Faculty was opened with the exhibition of paintings by Tilen Žbona, while the Spanish Embassy presented the exhibition European Arts & Promises of Flamenco.

International projects related to arts and culture

From 17 through 18 September 2010 the Faculty of Economics hosts the symposium Economics of the Visual Arts with several distinguished lecturers and the two panels: presentations of good practices in financing visual arts in Slovenia and presentations of selected young researchers from the partner universities. The topics are: arts markets and art auctions, copyright in the visual arts, economics of museums, policy and non-profit issues in the visual arts, labour market in the visual arts, etc. The symposium is co-organised by the Sculpture Network, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), Kecskemét College Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation (Hungary) as well as the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana.

See also

External links

Ekonomska fakulteta (EF), Univerza v Ljubljani +
Ekonomska fakulteta (EF), Univerza v Ljubljani +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kardeljeva ploščad 17 +
The Faculty of Economics of the UniversityThe Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana (FELU) offers undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes in a range of subjects including Accounting and Auditing, Business Informatics, Business Logistics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, International Business, International Economics, Management, Marketing, Money and Finance, and Tourism.Marketing, Money and Finance, and Tourism. +
The Faculty of Economics of the UniversityThe Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana (FELU) offers undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes in a range of subjects including Accounting and Auditing, Business Informatics, Business Logistics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, International Business, International Economics, Management, Marketing, Money and Finance, and Tourism.Marketing, Money and Finance, and Tourism. +
+386 / 1 589 2400 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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