Franc Riemer Municipal Gallery, Slovenske Konjice



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Franc Riemer Municipal Gallery was founded in 1994 and is owned and managed by Municipality of Slovenske Konjice. The renovation of the premises which now house the gallery was supported financially by local entrepreneur Franc Riemer, a great art lover whose own priceless collection of old masters and antique furniture is on view in the gallery which now bears his name. The Gallery's permanent collection exhibits more than 70 paintings (still lifes, landscapes, portraits) by world-famous Slovene and foreign artists. There is also a superb collection of period furniture, including a 200 year-old white salon from Miramare Castle in Trieste, presented by Emperor Maximilian to his mistress as a love token in the 19th century, and an escritoire with a hidden drawer, once owned by the Slovene poet Oton Župančič. The gallery also holds a fresco of the Crucifixion from the 14th century, removed from a wall of Žiče Charterhouse in 1996, which is said to be the only preserved work of art from this monastery.

See also

External links

Mestna galerija Franc Riemer +
46.339 +
Mestna galerija Franc Riemer +
15.423 +
SI-3210 Slovenske Konjice +
Stari trg 15 +
Franc Riemer Municipal Gallery was founded in 1994 and is owned and managed by Municipality of Slovenske Konjice. +
Franc Riemer Municipal Gallery was founded in 1994 and is owned and managed by Municipality of Slovenske Konjice. +
+386 / 3 575 5361 +
Slovenske Konjice +
SI-3210 +
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