Goriška Humanist Association

From Culture.si

Društvo humanistov Goriške
Ulica XXX. divizije 13a, SI-5000 Nova Gorica

Goriška Humanist Association was founded in 2006 in Nova Gorica by students of social sciences and humanities. Its activities were initially tied to the Goriška region, but today it operates much wider and outside the borders of its region. Its purpose is to open a space for public discussion and polemical monitoring of current social developments.


Goriška Humanist Association unites individuals who have a common interest in deepening knowledge and broadening mental horizons. The word “humanist” in the title does not refer to the theoretical orientation of its members, but to someone who cultivates certain questions about human, human nature, and consequently society and the world. The activities of the Association are therefore not tied to the field of humanities in the narrow sense of the word, but stem from the thesis that understanding modern social phenomena is key to understanding the premises of human existence.

The purpose of the Association is to create a space open for argumentative discussion, with an emphasis on deepening the discussion in the field of humanities and social sciences; on polemical and critical monitoring of contemporary social developments; and on improving the culture of living also through artistic and other activities that contribute to humanistic ethics.


Goriška Humanist Association achieves these goals through various projects, seminars, public lectures, round tables and other cultural events. Among other, they are the publisher of Razpotja Journal and the organizers of the City of Books Festival. Since 2016, they have been organizing events at the Carinarnica (Customs Place), a place at the former border crossing between Italy and Slovenia, which hosts various exhibitions and concerts.

The Association also participates in projects of other local organizations and institutions, for example with the Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica. It is also a partner of important intermedia festivals, such as In/visible Cities from Gorizia and Pixxelpoint International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices from Nova Gorica.

See also

External links

Društvo humanistov Goriške +
Društvo humanistov Goriške +
SI-5000 Nova Gorica +
Ulica XXX. divizije 13a +
Goriška Humanist Association was founded in 2006 in Nova Gorica by students of social sciences and humanities. +
Goriška Humanist Association was founded in 2006 in Nova Gorica by students of social sciences and humanities. +
Nova Gorica +
SI-5000 +
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