Imaginarni Institute



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Imaginarni, Zavod za kulturno dejavnost
Kongresni trg 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Past events

Established in 2006 by actor and theatre director Primož Ekart, Imaginarni Institute (meaning, "the imaginary") is a unique production house producing smaller-scale theatre performances. Collaborating with renowned Slovenian actors, directors, musicians and designers, Imaginarni aims to address spectators using universal stories, confronting them to find their own position toward complex societal questions.


Imaginarni is the producer or co-producer of numerous resounding productions, especially the first Slovenian stagings of international dramatic texts or premières of Slovenian dramatic texts. The common thread running through Imaginarni's projects is telling stories based on real people and events and telling stories of people who are forced into the margins of society.

Imaginarni enters co-productions with other theatre houses and independent producers, most frequently with Mini Theatre. Their 2017 co-production Powerlessness, directed by Primož Ekart, won the Borštnik Grand Prix at the prestigious Maribor Theatre Festival. Imaginari's performances appear also at the Week of Slovenian Drama, the Slovene Festival of Chamber Theatre (SKUP), etc.

Imaginarni often collaborates with the electronic music duo Silence. Director Primož Ekart has also directed several plays by the award-winning Slovenian playwright Simona Semenič.

International cooperation

Imaginarni is an associate partner of the project "The Global State of Art: Theatre for Development Education", coordinated by Ekvilib Institute, Slovenia, and co-financed by the European Union.

See also

External links

... more about "Imaginarni Institute"
Imaginarni, Zavod za kulturno dejavnost +
Imaginarni, Zavod za kulturno dejavnost +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kongresni trg 6 +
Established in 2006 by actor and theatre director Primož Ekart, Imaginarni Institute (meaning, "the imaginary") is a unique production house producing smaller-scale theatre performances. +
Established in 2006 by actor and theatre director Primož Ekart, Imaginarni Institute (meaning, "the imaginary") is a unique production house producing smaller-scale theatre performances. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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