Institute for Ethnic Studies



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Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja
Erjavčeva 26, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 200 1870
Past events

Originating in 1925 as the Minority Institute, the Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES) is a public research institution operating in the field of ethnic studies which investigates, in an interdisciplinary way, the following issues: Slovene ethnic questions; the status of Slovene ethnic communities in Italy, Austria and Hungary; the status of Slovenes in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia; the status of Slovene emigrants and of ethnic communities (national minorities and other ethnic groups) in Slovenia; the status of migrants in Slovenia; the research theory and methodology of ethnic topics; and the forms of ethnic issues (ethnicity, nationalism) in Europe and worldwide. IES has branches in Lendava / Lendva and in Rijea, Croatia. It runs also the International Center for Interethnic Relations and Minorities in South Eastern Europe.


IES is the successor of the Minority Institute, which in the period 1925–1941 functioned in Ljubljana as one of the first research institutions of its kind in the world, mostly dealing with the status of Slovenes in the neighbouring countries and of German and Hungarian minorities in Slovenia. In 1992 the IES became one of the first public research institutions in Slovenia and expanded its research focus to issues of globalisation, transnationalism, and contemporary migration flows. Thematically, the institute's researchers deal with diverse issues of immigrant integration, citizenship, inter-ethnic reconciliation, migration/development nexus, and more.

International cooperation

IES has participated in various international projects and has cooperated with diverse national science foundations (for example, Austria, USA), private and international foundations and institutions (for example, Open Society Institute, the American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee in Claims Conference, EUMC, etc.), international organizations (for example, UNESCO, UNDP, UNRISD, Council of Europe, OSCE) and EU institutions (for example, DG Education and Culture, Leonardo da Vinci Programme, 6th FP, etc.).

See also

External links

Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja +
Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Erjavčeva 26 +
Originating in 1925 as the Minority InstitOriginating in 1925 as the Minority Institute, the Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES) is a public research institution operating in the field of ethnic studies which investigates, in an interdisciplinary way, the following issues: Slovene ethnic questions; the status of Slovene ethnic communities in Italy, Austria and Hungary; the status of Slovenes in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia; the status of Slovene emigrants and of ethnic communities (national minorities and other ethnic groups) in Slovenia; the status of migrants in Slovenia; the research theory and methodology of ethnic topics; and the forms of ethnic issues (ethnicity, nationalism) in Europe and worldwide.ity, nationalism) in Europe and worldwide. +
Originating in 1925 as the Minority InstitOriginating in 1925 as the Minority Institute, the Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES) is a public research institution operating in the field of ethnic studies which investigates, in an interdisciplinary way, the following issues: Slovene ethnic questions; the status of Slovene ethnic communities in Italy, Austria and Hungary; the status of Slovenes in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia; the status of Slovene emigrants and of ethnic communities (national minorities and other ethnic groups) in Slovenia; the status of migrants in Slovenia; the research theory and methodology of ethnic topics; and the forms of ethnic issues (ethnicity, nationalism) in Europe and worldwide.ity, nationalism) in Europe and worldwide. +
+386 / 1 200 1870 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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