Jazz Velenje Cultural Association

From Culture.si

Kulturno društvo Jazz Velenje
Cesta II 27, SI-3320 Velenje
Phone386 (0) 41 724 441

Jazz Velenje Cultural Association was founded in 2016 by Velenje native Jure Pukl, who is widely regarded as one of the best jazz saxophonists in the world. Although resident in New York City since 2013, he continues to play an active part in the Slovenian jazz scene, particularly through Creative Jazz Clinic Velenje, a five-day series of workshops, masterclasses and performances held every February since 2016.

The clinic is organised jointly by the association, Velenje Festival and the Fran Korun Koželjski Music School, where the workshops and masterclasses take place, and supported by the Municipality of Velenje.

See also

External links

Jure Pukl

Creative Jazz Clinic Velenje

Kulturno društvo Jazz Velenje +
Kulturno društvo Jazz Velenje +
SI-3320 Velenje +
Cesta II 27 +
Jazz Velenje Cultural Association was founded in 2016 by Velenje native Jure Pukl, who is widely regarded as one of the best jazz saxophonists in the world. +
Jazz Velenje Cultural Association was founded in 2016 by Velenje native Jure Pukl, who is widely regarded as one of the best jazz saxophonists in the world. +
+386 / 41 724 441 +
Velenje +
SI-3320 +
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