KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage

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KAOS Festival sodobnega kolaža
Tomšičeva 32, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 31 279 331
Festival dates31.5.2024 - 10.8.2024

The Layer House, an urban cultural art centre in Kranj, hosted the first KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage between June and August in 2018. The festival added another aspect to the already dynamic cultural life of the art district of Kranj, a variety of fresh approaches to different genres, visual and musical ones, but with an emphasis on contemporary collage. The events take place also at the Škrlovec tower, Mergentaler gallery and the Art district Kranj.


For more than a century, the exploration of collage has been entering the artistic practices, visual communications and different media environments. Today, the collage can be understood as a kind of material form of re-contextualized ideas typical of modern art. The team of KAOS Festival claim: "Gluing is not just gluing, it is the creation of new, expression of self, getting to know the current. It is the re-search of possibilities in the network of relationships between art and the phenomena of the modern world". The KAOS Festival has been focused on collage in all forms and contexts.

Exhibition programme

The main emphasis of the KAOS Festival was its exhibition programme: there were several exhibitions, all under the common title 'What If ... Kranj became the town of contemporary collage?' It started with the street exhibition Viva Collagistas, the result of the collaboration between KAOS Festival and International Collage Festival Collagistas. Collages created by festival resident artists were exhibited on street TAM-TAM panels.

The main exhibition, whose curator was Maja Antončič, featured more than 100 contemporary local and international collage artists who displayed a variety of understanding and use of collage techniques. Other exhibitions presented the collaboration between collage artist Maruša Štibelj and ceramist David Almajer, the live creations of collage artist Meta Šolar, etc.

Music programme

The music part of the festival presented visual concert of Antropoloops, the musical collage from Spain; the concert of Nika Perunović (singer of the group Patetico) and Marko Zaletelj; the concert of Tomaž Štular's musical project BORDO; the concert of folk music band Katalena, Boris Cavazza Quintet. The festival – which was also partly connected with the Pleska fine arts and music festival – was accompanied also by free workshops for the adults, young adults and children, discussions on contemporary collage, and socialising with the residential artists.

See also

External links

KAOS Festival sodobnega kolaža +
29.6.2018 - 14.8.2018, 28.6.2019 - 13.8.2019, 9.7.2020 - 9.8.2020, 10.6.2022 - 13.8.2022, 31.5.2024 - 10.8.2024 +
annual +
KAOS Festival sodobnega kolaža +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Tomšičeva 32 +
The Layer House, an urban cultural art centre in Kranj, hosted the first KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage between June and August in 2018. +
The Layer House, an urban cultural art centre in Kranj, hosted the first KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage between June and August in 2018. +
+386 / 31 279 331 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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