Kraken Film Society


Društvo Kraken
Cesta na Brdo 67, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Past events

Formed in 2014 by a group of young film enthusiasts and professionals, the Kraken Film Society is the vehicle under which its members work on promoting and establishing short films as an unique cinematic art form. The society engages in a variety of activities, from collaborating on film programmes at venues and festivals across Slovenia, to promoting Slovenian authors abroad and disseminating information about various submission calls and the like. The group's long-term aim is "to become a national platform for educating audiences on the specifics and the idiosyncrasies of the short film form, as well as uniting film authors, theoreticians, producers and distributors".


The foremost of their activities is currently the organisation of the FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival. This project is tightly knit with their formal formation, as the society was supposedly set up for the 2014 edition of the international project K3 Ljubljana, and out of this, FeKK was born.

Another notable project of Kraken is the regular series of evenings dedicated to short film at the Slovenian Cinematheque. Besides screenings, these events sometimes also feature discussions with guests from abroad, as, for example, Laura Walde of the Short Film Festival Winterthur. The Cinemathequethe also hosted a night-long film marathon organised in conjunction with the Le Jour Le Plus Court project of the French National Cinema Centre (CNC).

Kraken collaborates with the Kranj based Film Mixer Independent Film Festival and is involved in short film screenings at festivals and venues like the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, Kosovel Culture House Sežana, Festival Kopedia, Meduza Gallery, Koper, etc.

International engagements

At the International Short Film Festival – Clermont-Ferrand in France, Kraken represented Slovenia together with the Slovenian Film Centre. The society has programmed the Slovenian film section at the Croatian festival Kratki na brzinu. A very strong international component is present in Kraken's festival FeKK.

See also

External links


... more about "Kraken Film Society"
Društvo Kraken +
Društvo Kraken +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Cesta na Brdo 67 +
Formed in 2014 by a group of young film enthusiasts and professionals, the Kraken Film Society is the vehicle under which its members work on promoting and establishing short films as an unique cinematic art form. +
Formed in 2014 by a group of young film enthusiasts and professionals, the Kraken Film Society is the vehicle under which its members work on promoting and establishing short films as an unique cinematic art form. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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