Labirint Theatre
26 Sep 2015
Little Red Riding Hood, co-produced by the Ptuj City Theatre, Labirint Theatre and the Association of Puppeteers,
28 Feb 2015
Aska and the Wolf, co-produced by Ptuj City Theatre, Labirint Theatre and the Association of Puppeteers,
5 Apr 2014
Thumbelina, produced by Ptuj City Theatre, Labirint Theatre, and Association of Puppeteers,
Labirint Theatre connects a young and middle generation of puppeteers who explore various puppetry forms and expressions. Its productions comprise original interpretations of stories, myths and texts, which, other than Minotaver, include Legs and Wings (Frida Kahlo’s biography), Word is a Horse (based on H C Artman’s short stories), and Butterfly and She-Butterfly (a fairy tail by young Slovene author Nina Kokelj), Little Man Among Chimneys (based on a short story by Slovene writer Lojze Kovačič) and White Kitten (based on poems for children by Slovene poet Dane Zajc). In 2008 Labirint Theatre developed a performance based on The Snow Queen, a tale by H C Andersen, as an innovative combination of a stop-motion animated film and puppetry.